영재교육전공 교육과정
이수구분 | 교과목번호 | 교과목명(영문명) | 학점 |
전공 | BG6200888 | 논문연구 (Thesis Research) |
3 |
BG6900224 | 영재아특성의이해 (Understanding Characteristics of Gifted Students) |
3 | |
BG7100121 | 영재교육학개론 (Introduction to Gifted and Talented Education) |
3 | |
BG7100122 | 영재교육과정 (Curriculum in Gifted and Talented Education) |
3 | |
BG7100123 | 영재를 위한 교수법 및 교재개발 (Teaching Methods and Materials Development in Gifted and Talented Education) |
3 | |
BG7100124 | 영재교육평가 (Assessment Strategies in Gifted and Talented Education) |
3 | |
BG7100125 | 창의성과 영재교육 (Creativity and Gifted and Talented Education) |
3 | |
BG7100126 | 과학교육연구방법론 (Research Methods in Science Gifted and Talented Education) |
3 | |
BG7100128 | 과학영재교육론 (Science Education for Gifted and Talented Children) |
3 | |
BG7100129 | 수학영재교육론 (Mathematics Education for Gifted and Talented Children) |
3 | |
BG7100130 | 인문사회영재교육론 (Language Arts and Social Studies Education for Gifted and Talented Children) |
3 | |
BG7100131 | 예체능영재교육론 (Visual and Performing Arts Education for Gifted and Talented Children) |
3 | |
BG7100132 | 과학특론 (Advanced Topics in Science) |
3 | |
BG7100133 | 수학특론 (Advanced Topics in Mathematics) |
3 | |
BG7100134 | 과학적창의성과과학영재 (Scientific Creativity for the Gifted) |
3 | |
BG7100135 | 수학적창의성과수학영재 (MathematicalCreativity for the Gifted) |
3 | |
BG7100136 | 인문사회의창의성과인문사회영재 (Creativity for the Gifted in Language Arts and Social Studies) |
3 | |
BG7100137 | 예체능창의성과예체능영재 (Creativity for the Gifted in Visual and Performing Arts) |
3 | |
BG7100138 | 영재및영재성측정.선발방법 (Measurement and Identification of the Gifted and Giftedness) |
3 | |
BG7100139 | 문제해결력과사고력교수법 (Teaching Problem Solving and Thinking Skills) |
3 | |
BG7100140 | 영재사사및상담지도 (Mentorship and Counselling for Gifted and Talented Children) |
3 | |
BG7100141 | 영재교육기관운영및평가연구 (Studies in Management and Evaluation of Gifted and Talented Educational Institutions) |
3 | |
BG7100142 | 영재교육교사연구 (Studies of Teachers for Gifted and Talented Children) |
3 | |
BG7100144 | 영재교육세미나 I (Seminar I in Gifted Education and Talent Education) |
3 | |
BG7100145 | 영재교육세미나 II (Seminar II in Gifted Education and Talent Education) |
3 | |
BG7100146 | 영재교육수업분석 (Micro-teaching in Gifted and Talented Education) |
3 | |
BG7100147 | 영재교육수업현장사례연구 (Action Research in Gifted and Talented Education) |
3 | |
BG7100232 | 영재학부모교육 (Studies on Parent Education for the Gifted and Talented) |
3 | |
BG7100233 | 영재교육실습 (Micro-teaching in Gifted and Talented Education) |
3 | |
BG7100243 | 영재교육연구방법(I) (Research Methods in Gifted and Talented Education(I)) |
3 | |
BG7100245 | 영재교육연구방법(II) (Research Methods in Gifted and Talented Education (II)) |
3 |
영역별 수료학점
구분 | 전공 | 논문연구 | 수료학점 |
석사과정 | 21학점 | 3학점 | 24학점 이상 |
박사과정 | 30학점 | 6학점 | 36학점 이상 |
* 수업시간 : 평일야간(19:00~22:00) 및 토요일 주간에 진행